With self-hatred as a jumping-off point, “FLAWED” looks at the contemptuous and critical dialogue which has become an everyday part of how we relate to each other. Using dance, drag, violent text and video as their armoury of weapons, Alan Øyen and, former Batcheva dancer, Léo Lérus explore the terrifying brutalities and unnerving subtleties of racism, sexism… any-ism, and the fury that's inherent within all of us.
FLAWED is an expressive and aggressive form of performance where the keywords are critique and quarrel. The use of text is imperative and dialogue-driven - a bitter and unpleasant commentary - a showcase for the ugly face of misanthropy.
Excerpt from the piece:
"There's several of them holding him in place. The guy behind him has got his dick out. And here comes the power of ‘now’ plunging through his ass. Fuck! The power of ‘now’ is persuasive. Imagine that's what they meant, this is how it feels. - “Live the moment.”
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