AMERICA - Visions of love

“AMERICA - Visions of Love” - a two act play based on original text and transcripts of recorded conversations collected whilst traveling through the United States.
Why does the whole world seem to be preoccupied with America and American culture? It seems an image or movie exists in everybody’s mind about what “America” is. We decided to grab a-hold of our assumptions; our love, loathing and prejudice, and travel to the USA to collect stories and situations for a play.
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“AMERICA - Visions of love” is a play appearing in the form of a screenplay based on transcripts of conversations we took part in or observed, as well as snatches of recontextualized dialogue from television shows or movies -and of course, our own writing.
In the press:
“Øyen's 12 year old nephew gives an impressive performance as an ageing, sex-addicted gay man.” - Bergens Tidende
"Remarkably well performed and composed. At a high, International level." - Klassekampen